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매주 금요일 마다 라이팅 시험에, 또 다른 주제로 라이팅 후 스피킹까지... 막상 닥치면 어떻게는 되는게 인간이다.
결론적으로 에세이는 어떻게 쓰는가에 대해 다들 궁금해 한다.
네이버나 유튜브에 보면 정말 많은 정보들이 있다. 하지만 가장 좋은건 그렇게 설명한 내용을 이해 한 뒤 많은 이들의 에세이를 읽어 보고
본인의 생각과 비교하며 나는 이렇게 작성 하는게 좋은거 같은데, 또는 이걸 이런식으로 표현했구나, 이건 생각도 못했는데, 이건 사실이 아닌데 등 본인의 생각과 비교하며 읽고, 어떻게 작성하는게 본인의 방식에 맞는지 찾는 것이 중요하다.
보다 어려운 단어를 선택하여 작성하는 이들도 있고, 가장 쉽게 남들이 이해 하기 쉽게 풀어 작성 하는 방법 등 어떤 것이 본인에게 가장 잘 맞는지 찾아야 한다.
그래서 과거 작성한 에세이를 샘플로 제시한다.
누군가는 본인이 작성한 에세이를 공개하는 것을 꺼려한다. 나 또한 부끄럽고 누군가 도용 하는게 싫지만, 그래도 누군가에게는 좋은 정보로 활용 되리라 믿으며 아래 에세이를 공개한다.
The severity of opioids
Many people do not know about the serious opioids. However, in case of tobacco, advertising that cigarettes cause lung cancer helps people to recognize the seriousness of smoking. For example, government is promoting the following policies to inform the public of the seriousness of smoking. The government has notified tobacco companies to show pictures of the lung cancer caused by smoking on the cigarette cover. Since then, smokers have been able to recognize the seriousness of cigarette. Like this, people cannot know unless government says the seriousness of the opioids.
To begin with, opioids help the terminal cancer patients who fear death. It is the only sedative for those who suffer a mental and physical pain, but it is not a cure for cancer. According to CMAJ, “In fact, opioid act the most strongly among painkillers in reducing pain. (Furlan, Reardon, and Weppler, 923). In addition, the opioid is highly addictive, and people can die of opioids overdose. For example, many people who are addicted to drugs can die. Government of Canada says, In Canada, the opioid problem has become one of the most serious problem as recently opioids' overuse has led to many Canadians' death. In order to resolve this opioid crisis, proper interventions as well as how to access to treatment and the decrease of side effects should be considered. (Health Canada). To make matters worse, opioids have side effects. The most common side effect is death. For example, one part of the UN describes, “Due to their effect on the part of the brain which regulates breathing, opioids in high doses can cause respiratory depression and death.” (World Health Organization, August 2018). Therefore, the government needs to let people know the seriousness of opioids to ensure that they on longer die from opioids.
On top of that, people need a doctor’s prescription to get the opioid, so many people who are not interested in drugs can think that the opioid is safe and not dangerous. Like this, people get the wrong perception. For example, if doctors misperceive the opioid and abuse it on patients, people can become exposed to it or become unwittingly addicted. The Lancet says, “Since 2000, opioid prescriptions have increased, and thereby, leading to the second to that of the U.S. and the exposure to the opioid addiction. One of the serious problem caused by opioid over-prescription is the main supply of opioids’ non-medical use.“ (Fisher, Pang, and Tyndall, 2019). People may have been exposed to opioids without even realizing it. Also, some people who have a child do not know exactly whether the opioid is good or not. According to ASA Monitor.
For Physician Anesthesiologists Week 2019, the PR team worked with a national business intelligence firm to field a 17-question survey of more than 1,000 parents of children aged 13-24, one-third of whom had been prescribed opioids, to determine what they understood about pain management for children and young adults. The results revealed that while 83 percent of parents believe they are prepared to safely manage their child’s opioid use, there was a need for improved awareness on opioid alternatives, safe storage and proper disposal, talking to children about risks, and the benefits of naloxone to reverse the effects of an opioid
overdose.(Hill, 42-43)
Thus, the government should manage whether doctors prescribe and abuse opioids with ease or not, and the government should prevent people who are not interested in drugs from becoming addicted to opioids whoever they are.
Finally, the government does not sometimes disclose all the information to avoid confusing the public. That is why only the president and high ranking government officials can access the top secret documents. However, basically, the people’s right to know should be protected. Especially, information related to people’s health must be made known to the people. As mentioned earlier, the government put pictures and warnings about lung cancer on cigarette packs for people’s health. As a result, many people who are interested in health have become naturally aware of the seriousness of smoking. EJW says, the evidence from the literature unequivocally supports that pictorial cigarette pack warnings in Canada and other countries are more effective than text-only warnings as measured by cognitive and emotional reactions, increased motivation to quit smoking, and greater awareness of risks and warnings.” (Beleche, Lew, Summers, Kirby 133).
In conclusion, even at this moment, many doctors who are not interested in people’s health are putting people at risk by prescribing the opioid. The government should make sure that people are not easily exposed to be addictive to the opioid, and that they have the right perception of opioid.
Works Cited
Furlan, Andrea D, et al. “Opioids for chronic non cancer pain: a new Canadian practice guideline.” CMAJ JAME, 15 June 2010, www.cmaj.ca/content/182/9/923.short. Accessed Aug 29, 2019.
“Health Canada.” Frontline: Government of Canada approves new treatment options for opioid use disorder and supports research, treatment and harm reduction projects in Ontario, Government of Canada, www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2019/05/government-of-canada-approves-new-treatment-options-for-opioid-use-disorder-and-supports-research-treatment-and-harm-reduction-projects-in-ontario.html. Accessed Aug 29, 2019.
“World Health Organization”, Frontline: Information sheet on opioid overdose, WHO, www.who.int/substance_abuse/information-sheet/en/, Accessed Aug 30, 2019.
Benedikt, Fischer, et al. “The opioid death crisis in Canada: crucial lessons for public health.” The Lancet, www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS2468-2667(18)30232-9/fulltext. Accessed Aug 29, 2019.
Hill, Theresa. “Physician Anesthesiologists Week and Patient Safety Awareness Week: Important Opportunities to Showcase the Specialty.” ASA Monitor Vol.83, pp.42-43. https://monitor.pubs.asahq.org/article.aspx?articleid=2731659. Accessed Aug 30, 2019.
Beleche, Trinidad, et al. “Are Graphic Warning Labels Stopping Millions of Smokers?” Econ Journal Watch, Are Graphic Warning Labels Stopping Millions of Smokers? A Comment on Huang, Chaloupka, and Fong. Accessed Aug 31, 2019.
영어 라이팅은 매일 작성 하는 것이 좋으나, 그게 힘들다면 문서 읽기라도 습관화 시키는 것이 라이팅, 에세이 작성을 하는데 가장 빠른 지름길이다.