<How to write an essay>

우선 많은 분들이 링크를 저장하여 다시 보시고 있거나 참고 하시는 걸로 확인 됩니다.
더 많은 에세이 샘플을 등록 할 수 있는 힘이 되도록 흔적들 남겨 주세요.
정말 영어에 대해 스펠링만 알고 캐나다에 혼자 왔을 때 앞이 깜깜했다.
다시 한국으로 돌아가야 하는건지, 그러기엔 이미 한국에서의 모든 것을 정리하고 와서 더 이상 물러 날 곳이 없었다.
한국에서 스페링과 정말 말도 안 되는 단어 몇 개, 그것도 정확히 철자를 모르는 것들이 많았다.
어학원에서 수업을 받을때도 대충 느낌으로, 감으로 이런 걸 설명하는구나 라는 식으로 이해하고 집에서 다시 유튜브를 보며 부족한 부분을 채워갔다.
어학원에서 매주 라이팅 테스트와 또 다른 주제로 라이팅 후 스피킹을 하던 금요일은 전날 밤 항상 어떠한 주제가 나올지 예상하며 어떠한 주제에도 붙여 쓸 수 있는 문장을 통으로 외워 적용 시켜 작성하였다.
솔직히 지금 세대는 초등학교 때부터 영어를 배우고 중,고등학교에서 외국인 영어 선생과 수업을 하지만, 나때 (꼰대 스타일) 영어 수업은 나이 지긋이 드신 50대 영어 선생님의 부자연스러운 영어 발음으로 수업을 하였으며 라이팅이란걸 해본 적이 없었다.
그래서 매주 금요일 마다 있던 테스트가 너무나도 부담이 되었다.

그당시 라이팅에 대해 무조건 쓰고 보자는 식으로 매주 주말마다 연습 했던 문법도 안맞고 말도 안되는 어설픈 라이팅을 포스팅 한다.
지금도 부족한 영어 실력이지만, 스스로 다시 반성하고, 다시 영어 공부를 게을리 하면 안되겠다는 다짐으로 올린다.
그리고 혹시라도 40대의 영어를 포기 하신 분들이라면 나의 어설픈 에세이(라이팅)을 보고 저정도는 나도 쓰겠다는 자신감을 가졌으면 하는 바램이다.

Simple is the best. 이말은 어학원 당시 가장 존경하던 영어 선생님께서 아이디어가 떠오르지 않던 나에게 했던 말이다.
복잡하게 생각 할수록 더욱 어려워지며, 어차피 어설픈거 괜히 멋드러지게 쓰기보다는 자연스럽게 쓰는것을 추천해주었다.
- Topic can a human begin choose happiness?
What do people think more important between money and happiness? From a long time a go many people have been interested in happiness. Even though some people who are interested in money believe that happiness is so far from their lives, some people who have positive mind claim that happiness exist near people’s lives. Of course, many people who are busy cannot feel the happy. However, people can make their happiness.
For example, some people who are interested in food feel happy while eating, and some people who are addicted to alcohol feel happy while drinking. Like this, happiness which people can feel, is different.
Therefore, it goes without say that people can feel happy anytime, anywhere, and whoever they want.
There are two main factors to support this point of view: to find something and to control mind
To begin with, the most important is that people should find something. As society develops, most people are very busy everyday. Thus many people are having trouble to find their happiness.
However, people have holiday, so people should spend this day and time efficiently to find their happiness. That Is the reason why the holiday exist.
In other words, people need to find their hobby because many people feel happy when they enjoy their hobby. Experts say that hobby makes people relax. Therefore, people should make steady efforts to find the happiness
Finally, Even at this moment some people have understood happiness and dream. For example. happiness is different from dream in that dream is just people’s goal, but happiness is just feeling. Thus, people should think with ease about the happiness. In other words, people need positive mind. It can makes people happy.
결론은 제외.
Topic : there are a routine life and unique life which are different from other. Which one is more valuable?
What time do people get up in the morning? Even though some people who are interested in life believe that a unique life has risk, many people who are interested in challenge claim that a unique life is more valuable than routine life.
Of course, people’s lives are similar, so people cannot feel happy. However, a unique life can makes people happy. As society develops, many people who are bored with their lives need something special.
Like this what people want is that people enjoy their lives with family and friends through something special.
It makes valuable life.
Therefore, it goes without saying that many people want to make special event in lives anywhere, and whoever they are.
There are two main factors to support this point of view: to make good memories, and to change people’s lives.
To begin with, the most reason is that many people are tired of lives. Even at this moment many people are working hard everyday. It is believed that a routine life makes people stressful. In other words, they cannot make good memories. It is a fact that good memories cannot buy with money. Therefore people need make good memories through a unique life anytime, anywhere, and whoever they need.
Finally, unique life can change people’s lives positively. What people want is to change their lives whoever they are.
Also, many people are damaged by their routine life. It takes a long time to recover.
For example, they cannot have go to travel, and do everything because of routine life. In other words, people are stuck in the routine life. Therefore, people need to be brave and to try a lot of challenge. If people try something which is challenge, their lives will change positively.
결론은 제외.
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